HS2 Temporary Works

Published 23rd August 2022

Our team worked closely with EKFB to design the HS2 Temporary Works for various structures and earthworks to facilitate the future permanent works.

Our specialists designed the temporary overbridges and underbridges for construction traffic, temporary watercourse crossings and major water supply pipes, piling mat design, temporary compound design and communication mast foundations. Meanwhile, our geotechnical experts supported the civil and structural designs at concept, preliminary and final design stages, utilising supplied ground investigation factual reports and GDR’s for the permanent contract.

We were provided targeted input for a huge range of temporary works for HS2, including: reinforced earth abutments for temporary overbridges, assessment of the proposed partial formation of permanent cuttings with localised deepening to allow temporary drainage to be achieved via gravity in the opposite direction to the permanent works due to the proposed phasing of permanent works to divert major roads, foundations advice for the proposed FLI masts at circa 10 proposed compound sites along the route, sheet pile design for temporary structures close to existing railway embankments, crane outrigger designs, piling mat designs, temporary crossing of Stoke Brook, temporary diversion of Stoke Brook to facilitate the culverting of a section of the brook for a new embankment, review of potential impacts that proposed earthworks may have on existing assets, including utilities, neighbouring properties and structures.

Client: EKFB
