Windsor Hotel, Peascod Street

Published 23rd August 2022

This redevelopment of the area behind the Boots retail store on Peascod Street will deliver a new four-storey hotel with 116 rooms. The new hotel will include a restaurant, a bar and back of house facilities and aims to deliver a ‘car free’ development.

Our building services and structures teams are working closely with development managers Realis Estates on the scheme which will see the partial demolition of the Boots retail store and redevelop the existing building.

Sustainability sits at the heart of the design and our energy specialists worked with the architect to optimise the façade design as part of a ‘fabric first’ energy efficiency strategy. In line with this strategy, our building services experts developed a fossil fuel-free design, utilising highly efficient air source heat pumps for heating and cooling to reduce operational carbon.

The embodied carbon impact of the development will also be substantially reduced through our structural design. Centred around a lightweight unitised framing solution above first floor deck level to reduce the carbon content of the build, our design also utilises an in-situ concrete frame below first floor to maximise the use of cement replacement materials and further reduce the project’s CO2 impact.

Client: Realis Estates for Canada Life Investments
Architect: Accord Architecture
