

5th Floor
One Cornwall Street
Birmingham B3 2DX

t: +44 121 212 7700

Our Experts

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Joe Smith
Director, Structures

Joe is a Chartered Structural Engineer with extensive expertise in delivering structural engineering designs for numerous complex mixed-use, retail, commercial and residential developments throughout the UK and internationally.

He has a passion for providing high quality and economical design solutions. Joe’s approach to design sees him provide value engineering early in the design development process, whilst continuously engaging with the client, design team members and contractors to ensure clear and concise communication is achieved.

He is the author of ‘The Blueprint for Project Speed’ which showcases the lessons learnt by the design team during the Jersey General Hospital Nightingale Wing project which was delivered in just four weeks, and is a practical guide to speeding up design and construction.

Ruth Jeffs
Infrastructure and

Ruth is an experienced Senior Executive with excellent project management and commercial skills. She joined Waterman in 2016 as our Midlands Regional Director, and is also Chair of the ACE Midlands and joined the ACE National Board in 2018.

Her extensive project portfolio includes strategic land sites such as Graven Hill and Mindenhurst, as well as the delivery of the Jersey General Hospital Nightingale Wing. Ruth has also secured local framework opportunities with ESPO, Midlands Connect, Birmingham City Council, Nottingham City Council, EEM, and Oxford City Council. Ruth leads Waterman’s infrastructure and environment team in the Midlands and is a proven project and programme Director who successfully delivers against challenging and complex criteria and timescales. She is passionate about providing trusted, pragmatic, and flexible advice on development and infrastructure projects for a range of private and public sector clients.


Net Zero &

We ensure sustainability and net zero principals are embedded in every project at every opportunity

Site Selection
& Appraisal

The ability to accurately assess the true value of any acquisition or asset is pivotal in the decision making process of any scheme.

Planning &

Exemplary designs need the best site teams to bring them to life, and we take great pride in helping you realise your vision.

Construction & Development

We cover all sectors and span all engineering and environmental disciplines, bringing the right expertise at each stage.

Operation &
Asset Management

Our in–house expertise provides you with a total solution to help you manage and operate your assets.


We recognise the need to optimise the value of your assets whether they are newly constructed properties or existing building stock.

Project Lifecycle Support

